End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legally binding document that applies to any products sold or produced by iniBuilds Ltd. across any platform.

Last update: August 10th 2020

In this policy the use of “us”, “we” or “our” refers to iniBuilds Ltd. and inibuilds.com

iniBuilds Ltd. is a United Kingdom based company. (Company Number: 11858953)

By downloading, installing, activating, or utilizing this software, you “the user” agree to all Privacy and Legal Policies along with any End User License Agreements (EULA) put in place by iniBuilds Ltd.

This product and its files, titles, photos, videos, product pages and text are sole property of iniBuilds Ltd. and are protected under copyright and intellectual property laws. You have no intellectual property rights to the product and any related files other than the right to use the software as per this EULA.

This product is licensed to the user, not sold. This license grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the product and any related documentation or files.

This license is valid for use on a single personal computer. This license is for personal, non-profit use and may NOT be used for commercial purposes without explicit permission from iniBuilds Ltd. This license cannot be rented, leased, transferred, merged, sold, redistributed to anyone.

This product, its files and any related information may not be republished, modified, rebranded, edited, decompiled, disassembled, or reverse engineered.

This product is provided “as is”, and iniBuilds Ltd. does not guarantee full functionality or a specific result from using the product.

For commercial sales or queries, please contact us.

This product is provided for entertainment purposes only and may not, in any circumstance, be used for flight training, development, or certification purposes.

If the user is found to be in violation of any of the policies or agreements put in place by iniBuilds Ltd., we reserve the right to revoke all access to any files and downloads related to the order, including deactivating any serial or license keys. You also agree to indemnify iniBuilds Ltd., its employees, affiliates, and partners for any damages or legal fees that may occur should a violation occur.

Any rights that are not specifically stated in the above EULA are reserved by iniBuilds Ltd.


Refunds are not administered due to the fact that our products are non-physical downloadable content. This provides a level of protection for our products against abuse and piracy. If you have a dispute or question regarding products that you have purchased from iniBuilds Ltd., please contact us.

If a chargeback or refund is requested by you through your billing service provider, iniBuilds Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the disputed order and revoke all access to any files and downloads related to the order, including deactivating any serial or license keys attributed to the order. All rights granted to you in the above EULA will also be revoked.